Account Executive*
AE Email Address*
Client Name*
Contact Name* Address*
Client Email Address* Client Phone #*
Air Date*
This production will be a: (check all that apply) New Production Revision Platinum Partner (Skip Billing Section) Other (Please specify below)
Billing: If your commercials will be billed for production or revisions, please enter the number of spots we are producing or revising.
How many "new" spots ($200 each):
How many "revised" spots ($50 each):
Total Production Charge:
Will a shoot be required?* YesNo
If yes, please list date, time, location and any other details.
Ad ID and Spot Details*
Spot Length—Please choose an option—:60:30:20:15:10:05:04
—Please choose an option—:60:30:20:15:10:05:04
Upload Files (PNG, JPG, GIF, PDF, or ZIP)
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