Pierre’s Body Shop
I have been working with Pierre’s Body Shop for 23 years. The previous owner was set on just advertising in the 10pm News, but then stopped advertising two years before Dean bought the shop. Dean was not in the loop on what had been done and wasn’t sure how to advertise or what it would cost.
I had known Dean as he worked there under the previous owner. I scheduled a time to meet with Dean and showed him what had been done and my recommendation. He was shocked on what it cost, but knew advertising worked as he saw the decrease when they had stopped. I had told him my ideas and why the change and he needed to think about it.
I then went back about a week or so later and went through the plan again and answered any questions he had. He trusted me and said let’s do it, but I know he was a little apprehensive. I told him it might take a few months to see results as they had been off the air for a couple years and they don’t have “sales” and the commercial doesn’t have a specific call-to-action.
We came up with ads that had a unique look. We used a bright yellow pedal car that was in every commercial and my boys were in it. After about two months and new creative, he was receiving feedback about people seeing the ads. We ended up doing a series of them in Summer and Winter settings and I told him to make sure he had the pedal car in the shop where people would see it and that would recall what they saw on TV and it would tell him if his ads were working.
As the boys got older, we moved on to “real” cars and kept them yellow as much as we could and had different settings that related to what was going on, like kids using phones, etc.
Because of this, this is a partnership between Pierre’s Body Shop and KELOLAND Media Group, and Dean and I are friends. This is what I love about this business, that my clients become friends.
Jack Gregg
Marketing Strategist
KELOLAND Media Group
KELO TV and Jack Gregg , WOW is the first thing that comes to mind, second is family. When I first met Jack, was in 2002 when I bought Pierre's Body Shop. He came in to let me know what KELO had been doing for Pierre's in the past and what he thought we should do for the future. I will be quite honest when I say he scared the #### out of me, I did not know whether to laugh or cry when he showed me numbers that the former owner had not showed me on advertising because he had stopped a couple of years prior so that he could keep the money. Jack looked at me and said "I think you need a little time to absorb this before we talk any further and left . He came back several days later and taught me about advertising and its importance. This is how Jack Gregg and the people at KELO work, they become a part of your business, but Jack does not stop there , he becomes a part of your family. Jack is one of the people that I am very fortunate to call my friend/family and trust implacably. Thank You for being a part of our business and extended family.
Dean and Carolyn VanHeerde
Owners Pierre's Body Shop